Monday, May 18, 2009

AmCham-BOP Accolade by Gerald Baro (FEU)

Being an American Chamber of Commerce BOP participant opened my eyes to things which are only conceivably of being understood by someone who experienced the same program. At first, I thought the benefit this week-long program would be all about learning the technical and mechanical ways of the business world. I was wrong. I never thought that this is just a mere pinch of what I am supposed to have gained from the BOP experience.

For the myopic minds of people who do not know anything about BOP, they might think that this is a free trip to the United States for a vacation, or for those who assume a little knowledge about it, might think that it is just a virtual tour of the business world. But it is neither a free trip nor a vacation and it is more than just a virtual tour. For me, it was a one-week activity that brought about a major transformation, in me.

I say transformation because a lot of things happened during this activity that I've never experienced in any other aspect of my life. To begin with is the idea of punctuality which is an elusive virtue I rarely practice, sad to say. This program magnified the detriments of being late; that it delays the scheduled activities, as well as spoils the time of others. Second of all is humility. I have witnessed first hand how approachable CEOs of different corporations and prominent personalities are, as they spend their precious time with us. Amidst their busy schedules, they still managed to allot time on their calendars for us.

Also in this program is the correction of the sporadic virtue of cramming. Those who are in the supervision of this activity don’t believe in the concept of spontaneity, they plan and prepare. They showed us that planning and preparation makes for a good breakthrough. This is one thing that I imbibed from the BOP. I must plan always in order to conquer the insuperable and consummate what is imaginable.

I have also seen from this activity people considering, preferring and choosing their respective careers based on factors other than the financial pay-offs. It is a glaring manifestation of their heart and passion relative to their priceless principle. For me, only strong commitment and conviction can be the thrust of resorting to this idea which is truly immense. This is simply amazing.

Who can also forget the camaraderie and friendship created by spending both awkward and fascinating moments with diverse people, especially amongst co-participants with whom you have just become acquainted. They make you laugh, make fun of you as you sleep on the Coaster, spend late hours with you to finish your assigned business plan and giggle with you as you celebrate the bounty of free-flowing food and perks.

At the end of the day, the best award I could ever bring home is neither the Bronze medal I received nor the knowledge I gained from this activity but it is the one-time opportunity to be with the best and wonderful people in the program, sharing with them the laughter, perspiration and aspiration of making every single moment of this activity remarkable.

Such people that can move and transform you to be the best you can ever be. This kind of accolade is incomparable and truly worthwhile. I billion thanks and applause to BOP!