9th AmCham BOP Day 2:
Making sense of the case
By Aldwin Chester Yap Dumago, AmCham BOP 8 Alumnus
It was a relatively “free and easy” day for the 32 delegates of 9th AmCham BOP since they did not have any activity until lunch time. In preparation for the case mentoring session later that day, everyone reread the case while having late breakfast at McDonalds.
Ms. Grace Alcid, a training expert of Harvard Business School case studies by John Clements Consultants, brought with her a variety of hair and skin care products by Splash Corporation and distributed them to the five groups to help them have a better grasp of the case study.
Right after lunch, Ms. Alcid immediately engaged the groups into a fruitful discussion. Together, they identified the challenges of Splash Corporation based on the scenario written on the case. Reading the case one day ahead gave the delegates an advantage because it became easier for them to process the case study. The session, which lasted for about four hours, greatly helped the delegates understand the objectives of the case.
The delegates went on working on the case until late night with just a short break for dinner. The delegates look forward to the company visits beginning Monday until Friday, saying that insights from the company executives might give them fresh ideas that can be of help as they work on their case.