Sunday, February 14, 2010

AmCham BOP Testimonial

I was an incoming senior wayback college (taking up BS Business Administration – Major in Finance and Treasury Management) when I was luckily selected to represent my school in the 6th American Chamber of Commerce Business Orientation Program. I will never forget how hard it was to be able to pass the exams and the interview. I never expected that I will be part of this event since all the other college students are also considered one of the “best”. But my insight on it changed the moment I received the phone call confirming my delegation.

AmCham BOP was a breakthrough in my life. It taught me how to be more confident when facing and interacting with other people. It was my first time to be able to join a crowd of other business student leaders around the country. I used to have fears when dealing with other people because of the thought that they may not agree on my ideas. But in the AmCham BOP, I experienced one of the best brainstorming of ideas. We listened to each other’s suggestions without hesitation that I think gave way to a great Business Case Study that my group also won (Happee Solutions with Oregano). It was a bright collaboration of the different specialties we have in the business management course.

AmCham BOP also gave me the confidence to join other Leadership Conference which I was also able to interact with student leaders and this time, from a variety of fields like Engineering, Organizational Communication, Tourism, and Foreign Studies as well as other foreign delegates from Singapore. It is like coming out of my shell and sharing to a wider group of people my ideas which I learned in the BOP.

Aside from that, my awareness on the Corporate Social Responsibility was widely enhanced through the companies that we visited. It highlighted that American companies does not only focus on increase of its revenues but also for the benefit of our environment.

But the best part of AmCham BOP is the camaraderie that we shared. I will never forget that week-long activity because I also gained life-long friends. Friends who up to now, are people I share my life stories and be a shoulder that I can lean on.


I graduated last April 2009 and now working as a Senior Programmer and Software Engineer ( SAP – Financial Accounting and Controlling Programmer) at a Business Outsourcing company based in McKinley Hill, Taguig City.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

BOP Updates

Good News: We have raised almost Php400k out of Php500k target. Manila Marriott will be sponsoring our Gala and Awards Night on Saturday, April 17th. Please save the date!! McDonald's has donated Php 20k of food vouchers.
Hotel Partner: Manila Marriott
Gold Partners: CalEnergy, Chevron Philippines, Goodyear Philippines, Mead Johnson, Peregrine, Thomson Reuters, CB Richard Ellis, Convergys
Silver Partners: Citibank, Ford Philippines, Sunpower, Philip Morris
Food Partner: McDonald's
Please contact if you want to join the sponsorship subcommittee.

University Relations

We have sent the invitation and application forms to 24 schools and universities. To-date, we have only received 3 application forms. Please follow up with your schools and universities and ensure that the Deans have received the invitations and application forms for BOP 2010. Please inform Wina if the materials have not been received. Please promote the program among third year students of your universities and ensure that your university is represented in BOP 2010. Deadline to submit application forms is Feb. 12th.

Alumni Relations
We are putting together a database of BOP Alumni. Please send your cv's to

Marketing and PR
There are a lot of exciting and cool things happening in BOP 2010. Our marketing team is putting together some exciting giveaways like bags, shirts, pins, notebooks and pens.

The team will begin to schedule the week-long event.

John Clements will be conducting the initial screening-
Feb. 15 20 - Qualifying Exam
Feb. 22 28 - Scoring and Checking
March 8 - Final Interview with the Amcham Screening Committee

Case Study
Harvard Business School Case Study on Globe Telecomm. Suggested judges are: Ernest Cu, CEO of Globe, Tina Ortigas, Ernie Cecilia, Carol Dominguez, Peter Wallace, Noli Santos, Professor Lagman, Benjamin Hughes

Cocktails and Gala
Manila Marriott has agreed to sponsor the Gala and Awards Dinner on April 24th.

Please join us on Feb. 8th, 5-6pm at Amcham Hall. Please contact the subcommittee heads if you are interested to join BOP 2010.