Sunday, May 25, 2008

CITI : Our first stop. :)


Our first stop.

So our first stop was at Citi. Just a few blocks away from amcham office.

it was also our first ride in our shuttle! yey.

we met kuya sammy. the ever kind driver.

i was amused of the building's structure. yes. and we went directly to the 37th floor because we were so late. we enjoyed the talk from Mr. Stolk at the amcham hall and forgot about the time.

anyhow, the room we entered was so cozy. we were like inside some fine restaurant because of the dining setup.
our speaker was Mr. Dennis Choa, the Country Treasurer.

Citi is about 106 years of existence. imagine that. its sooo old. way older than my great grandparents.

i have learned that what's important to Citi are: Excellence in Execution and Quality Of Service.

and based from the Voice of the Customer Survey: HIGH SATISFACTION.

meaning, the customers surely are happy with the service that Citi offers them.

another thing that got stuck in my mind was some quotes that Mr. Choa included in his presentation.


by Mr.Gokongwei.

- "A Trader's World is a Trader's Bond"

i really learned a lot about Mr. Choa's speech or lecture. aside from being a Finance and Treasury Management major, i should also be aware of what's happening in the corporate world. especially the financial institutions.

Based from the notes i jotted are some:

YOU CAN GET A CAREER IN FICC (Fixed Income, Currencies, and Commodities) IF YOU HAVE:
  • energy and passion
  • communication skills
  • numerical skills and brilliance
  • ability to work well with a team
i highlighted the last part. INTEGRITY it is.

in my society, the Junior Financial Executives- PLM Chapter, our professor instills in us the value of integrity.

(according to Wikipedia)

Integrity can be seen as a virtue in that accountability and moral responsibility are often indicated as necessary tools for maintaining consistency between one's actions and one's principles, methods and measures, especially when an expected result is incongruent with observed outcome."

integrity should not be only in our deisred profession but also in personal life.

in less than a year ill be graduating.

im gonna be in the CORPORATE WORLD.


i wish to see that my big boss will the first model of integrity that i can look up to.

all in all.

i enjoyed the talk that Mr. Choa has spent with us.

during our lunch, we had chicken. and we dined together with other big bosses from Citiback (im sorry i really forgot their names.)

we had some chit chat with them and i was surprised how happy they were to meet us.

though the time we spent with them was about an hour, it seemed like we,ve known them for long. they were like talking about stuff regarding Citi and how well their company stands.

i enjoyed the tour at Citi although it isnt actually a tour.

but on a brighter side, im glad ive met people who values integrity.